Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Learning Pyramid

Another blog wrote about this also-but I think this Learning Pyramid is facinating. What it says is that we learn the best by teaching others. Perhaps this is why the One Room Schoolhouse worked so well. The older students were taught by the teacher and then they helped the little ones. My parents both went to a One Room Schoolhouse and I asked them over Thanksgiving what learning in that environment was like. They said that the teacher would call up the grades one at a time. You would be working at your desk but you would hear the teacher going over the material for the different age groups again and again. So there was repitition and when you were older you helped those in need of help. My parents have their doctorates and masters degrees. They learned a lot in those little red schoolhouses-maybe they learned by teaching others.
Check out this website for more information on why this works.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Where we'll be December...of next year!

Just got this "Your first year" email. Thought it was interesting to see where we'll be next year! And we think we are stresses now.... ;)



Sunday, November 30, 2008

National Board

I know we are not nearly at this point, I happened across the website for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. There is information about support and funding on the state and local level.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Story telling in the classroom

So I ran across this video about storytelling in the classroom. We were just reading about having kids act out stories as a tool to get them excited about reading a story several times. I think having them choose stories and choose one to retell to the class is another great idea.

Getting Endorsed

After working with 6-8th grade students during my dyad I have found that I like the age level and material of junior high. I don't know if I will ever teach in a junior high but I think it would be a good idea to get endorsed anyway. Before I joined the program I was speaking with a fellow parent who was saying how impressed she was that her child's 6th grade teacher was endorsed in math, science and english. I think this could really help me to get a job.

There are two of us who are considering studying for an endorsement test over the break. Do you have any information about the tests or any interest in studying with me for the test?

Have you heard positive things about a teacher who is endorsed when they don't really need it?
I'll be interested to hear your ideas about this.

Monday, November 17, 2008


For the past week I have been dealing with a very personal family emergency and have been out of touch with this program. My current situation has allowed me to consider what things are really important. This is a total cliche' but I just want to stand up in our cohort and yell, "can't we all just get along?!" We are all so extremely different and wouldn't it be awesome if we could just deal with our frustrations quietly and respectfully and be there for each other. This would be an incredibly boring place if we were all similar. Sure, it might be easier, at times, but really super boring. I hope we can all work on building each other up instead of knocking each other down. Let's live what we will teach. I am now stepping down from my box.

Guess I was confused

Wow, I really thought we were in these classes to learn and ask questions about the things we don't understand before getting in the classroom. I have always believed the old saying "the only stupid question is the one you don't ask."

This attitude of old people are sooooooooooo slow and stupid can't we just forget about that and move on, has been building from the start of the summer quarter combined today with the "oh goodie for you" and "how hard is it for you to read" remarks when I asked for clarification on the "whereto' (which is on the erserve templete)of the unit plan today really HURT my feelings. Never fear I know how to let it go.

But it left me with two thoughts, First, I am concerned about the future students of these future teacher. How will those student feel about continually being shot down and dismissed. It is easy to say it won't be that way then and what you are going to do then, but actions have always spoken louder to me.

Yes, in a perfect world I wouldn't be in this program with a family and life. Then I could spend my every waking moment devoted to studying, but that is not realistic for many of us. I do wish some members would have a little more patience or if nothing else be less verbal about how much of your time we are wasting. You know I happen to pay the same tuition for class time as you, therefore I should be able to ask questions without fear.

For individuals that will be teaching others about community in the near future, it sure appears to me this cohort has a lot still left to learn.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gates Foundation promotes teacher merit pay

There was an interesting article in the paper today-follow the link below
about merit pay. The rest of the article is wonderful of course. All about how we need to increase the graduation rate of our teenagers-down to 20% in inner city schools. But if you read the entire article a representative from a teachers' union says that if they want to reward teachers according to their students' test results-they will have nothing to do with it.

Financial aid resources

So as I was surfing around looking at education blogs, I stumbled across this one. I haven't looked at all the info, but I felt it was something that others would be interested in since many of us have suffered huge cuts in our aid.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Making a link to a website live

I went through today-interested to see if I could do it-and made the websites listed by us in our blogs live-
I went into the revision of the blog and clicked on the link symbol-next to the T - and added the hyperlink.
just an FYI!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Here is the website Cherry spoke of in class today. They have some amazing information...very informative. Also, teachers can sign up to receive a free subscription to their Teaching Tolerance magazine. http://www.splcenter.org/index.jsp

On the defensive

So I had an interesting experience this weekend. I went to a Halloween party and felt like I spent the entire night defending teachers. In my prior career in radio this concept has never been an issue. People would ask what I did for a living, I would tell them I worked in radio, they would think it was cool and then they would ask me about getting concert tickets! I was never really emotionally involved in defending my profession...until this past weekend. I am not even a teacher yet but I feel emotionally attached to the profession and those who say "teachers are whiners and are failing our kids." This was the response I received at the party when a couple was asking what I did for a living. First, they wondered why I was getting into the profession and then they began to complain about the state of education in this country. I felt I could hold my own pretty well but was in no way prepared to deal with this at a party where I was supposed to be having fun. Is this how it is going to be when we tell people we are teachers? Are we constantly going to have to defend this profession? It's hard to talk to people when all they know about education is that teachers "have summers off" and the latest stats the NY Times prints about failing math & science test numbers.

I was so angry Saturday night I couldn't sleep. How is it possible that people think teachers have such an easy gig? Have they ever set foot in a classroom of 25 six-year olds? Teachers are not just teachers. We are substitute parents, nurses, counselors, friends, mentors, nutritionists and so much more. We are supposed to teach not only reading, writing, math, social studies and science but also social skills, potty training (at times!), proper nutrition, manners, sexual education, hygiene...yada,yada,yada. It is extremely frustrating to me when people devalue this profession! I suppose this is part of what we signed up for, right? We are now the next generation of teacher defenders!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween/Harvest Celebrations

It is interesting to me how different schools view Halloween. I look at it as a fun opportunity for the kids, that they need a break and some fun once in awhile. It can easily be incorporated into a lot of lessons. You can incorporate spiders, pumpkins, and fall with all sorts of Halloween activities. There are poems, songs, and stories that will capture the students interests at this time of year as well.

Some schools have great Halloween celebrations. Some schools I have seen ban all things with the name of Halloween, but if you call it Harvest then you can incorporate it into lessons, have a party, and have fun. All in the name of Harvest -- just avoid that nasty Halloween word. Other schools have banned all activities in October -- no matter whether it is called Halloween or Harvest or something else. Why have they banned Halloween? Is it the religious connection? A few years ago the Puyallup school district banned all things to do with Halloween because of complaints by the Wiccan community. That is something new. I thought it was supposed to be their holiday? Isn't that why the Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities don't like it?

Maybe it has it become too commercial ? What about the junk food aspect of it? Unhealthy. It doesn't have to be all candy, some schools are finding ways to be healthy and still celebrate.

I am not sure I really understand why the difference in schools attitudes toward this day. My kids school is a Harvest school -- no Halloween wording is allowed anywhere. My intern school is a non-holiday school. No Halloween or Harvest parties at all. I could understand it if it was because of religious tolerance, yet they have Christmas parties. I don't understand that either. How can you ban Halloween for religious tolerance reasons, yet have Christmas parties?

I guess for me, I think that having a party and having fun once in awhile is an important part of school, and life. School can't just be about the tests. I think it helps build a feeling of community. I think that any way that you can reach the kids, through what they enjoy and are excited about is a good thing. I don't want to step on anyone's religious or personal beliefs, but I do think that people take their objections too far at times. I think that Halloween is more of a tradition than a religious event. I think it can be a fun learning experience without having religious discussions enter into it.

What did your school do for Halloween?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Great Website

Check out this website. It has lesson plans, printables, and many other resources (including adapting materials for inclusion classrooms and Ell). The site is very user friendly and is organized by grade and subject.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Scholastic Printables

I signed up for this service last week and have used it a lot. I was hesitant to pay the fee but I have actually used a bunch of things from here. Plus the subscription is good for a year...taking us into our first jobs as teachers! I know you can get a bunch of free stuff on-line, and I do, but I wanted to add this to my repertoire as well! If others sign up for similar services we can always share resources! :)


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Agriculture and Environment Lesson Plans


This page provides links to lesson plans, classroom projects and teaching activities for: Agriculture, Aquaculture, Forestry, Animal Science, Environment, Food Science/Culinary Arts, Horticulture, Floriculture, and Landscaping.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Technology -- I might just enter the 20th century yet

I admit I am a bit of a techno-phobe. I resist all change, in any shape or form. I get set in my routines, and really don't like change. I use my phone as a phone and that is all. I watch TV shows when they come on, and if I miss them, I miss them. I got a digital camera, but I still prefer my old 35 mm camera. I am famous for yelling at my computer and walking off in a huff if things don't work perfectly, threatening to throw it off a cliff because things didn't work right. I use Word, but have never put together a Power Point presentation. I can plug things into Excell, but can't do any serious fancy work on it. I write things down on a paper calendar, and never pay any attention to the calendar feature on my computer, unless I want to know what day of the week something will be happening next month.

So for me this tech class is amazing. I was really afraid of it, and am really suprised that I am loving it. ( And Jane, if you read this, I'm not just writing this to kiss up in hopes of getting an A :) After all it is a credit/no credit class ). I don't know yet how I will use this technology in the classroom, but I am really enjoying learning it, and doing it. From the Wiki, to the Blog, to the Google and Pageflakes pages, and the Delicious tags, I am learning alot of things that are really outside of my comfort zone and loving it. I may enter the 20th century yet( notice I am not optomistic enough to say I am entering the 21st century - don't want to curse myself).

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but maybe you can teach this old dog some new technology.

I have to admit, I am not seeing alot of technology, like the Wiki's and Blogs, being used in the classrooms I am interning in right now. Anyone else seeing technology being used?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Online Teacher Resource

I happened across this website today while I was reading a blog. I know I know I was suppose to be studying, but I had to check my emails and the cohort blogs to be sure I didn't miss anything while I was gone today.

Anyway the name of the site is teAchnolgy maybe you have seen it. If not check it out at http://www.teach-nology.com/

Check out the month teacher resources. Also be sure and check out the tecnology teacher forum.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Classroom Management

Teacher Teacher Teacher

Check out this blog! and you MUST watch this video!

I find this to be a great blog and it was NC Teacher of the Year blog. I just read the latest post and had no idea that almost 400 teachers were going to be laid off in Dallas!!!!


Here's the video!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Please Vote for me!

I have included in our blog a very interesting video called " Please Vote for me!" This is a documentary shot in a 3rd grade class in Wuhan, China. The class is learning about democracy by voting for their classroom monitor. This is a coveted position in the classroom. I am doing a lesson plan using this video in my dyad with the students also running and voting for a classroom monitor. If you get a chance to watch the video-it really is facinating to see what a classroom is like in China.

Just say "no"-remember Nancy Reagan!

Us moms have to learn to say no-and then just hang with our kids for their quality time. Our kids have gotten used to us being there at school. But I'm sure you have done that - now it is your time-and my time! We are doing something positive for the family by going to school-improving ourselves-improving our income power. Plus, as parents, we are improving our skills at being a parent. I have learned so much about what is going on at school through this program. Also skills at how to talk to my kids. How to help them with homework-or not!

I am lucky because my mom went back to school when I was in 7th grade and got her degree. She then went on to get her masters in her 50's. She is my inspiration-and she had a whole new career until her 70's which she loved. We deserve to move ahead with our own lives. Think of how inspired our kids can be watching us do our own homework and work for a new goal for ourselves.

I was supposed to chair our school district's reflection program this year. I was all slated to take on that volunteer role-and then I turned it down. I still do small stuff for my kids' activities but I am not going to take on any chair positions this year-and if I get a job next year-I won't be doing it then. We have moved to a new place in parenting. But it can be good. It has to be! Because this is where we are headed.

It is hard to say no to our kids-but instead of volunteering at their school-sit down and have a conversation-have a special lunch out with them-go on a bike ride-but don't volunteer more!

Good luck! It is a challenging year!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

juggling in a three ring circus on a unicycle

Currently I feel like I should apply for a job at a circus. I am feeling very qualifed to juggle in a three ring circus on a unicycle. It has got to be easier than what I am doing now! Family, Classes, Internship, PTO stuff, husband stuff, kid stuff, bills... and then you add in the economy, politics and world events. Whew! bring on the straight jacket here I come!

I thought I could do it. I thought I was cutting back enough stuff in my life. I got out of alot of the committees and things I used to do. I felt, still feel, incredibly guilty for not doing more. I'm currently planning the Harvest Festival for my kids elementary school. One of those things I have done for so long, I thought it would be no big deal. I could do it in my spare time. HA! So I pick up my high school daughter from play rehearsals, and take her to Party City so she could get stuff for Spirit Week, and I thought I could buy the colored hairspray for the Harvest Festival while I am there. Good use of time, get one more thing off my list, efficiency at its best. While I am loading up my cart with hairspray my daughter tells me that it bothers her that I'm not more involved in her school. I stop. I freeze. I look at her. "More involved in your school? The high school? You want me involved in the high school?" " Yes" Panic starts to creep up my spine. Guilt starts to roll in, like the morning fog, slowly taking over my brain. Me. Volunteer. High School. More stuff. How? Daughter. Not pushing me away. Good thing, yes? how? How? HOW? Maybe I could do it, I don't need sleep. I could cut out eating too, save some time there. If I cut out eating then I would spend less time in the bathroom, and lose weight too. That would be good.

I need to learn how to say no. I don't know how to say no. The guilt is too much.

I also need to take lessons in juggling.

How is everyone else juggling everything? How is everyone else doing in the saying no area?
How is everyone else keeping family and school balanced? Do you feel one area or the other is getting short changed?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Serenity now!

Class today just about killed me...with confusion and fellow cohort members doing the damage! I told myself on the drive home that I would just put down a quick note here and then be done with it. I feel SO overwhelmed and confused right now. I don't know how anyone can have it totally under control at the moment! I will actually be glad when we are just doing our student teaching and not going to classes as well because I feel my brain can only go in so many directions!!!

Okay, that's it. No more venting. I am off to have a pleasant evening and I hope you all do as well! :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shelfari bookshelf

The bookshelf is linked to my shelfari page,but if you email me what books you are reading in your class, I can post it on my shelfari page to go on here. Or if you ladies want, we could also post what we are personally reading. I haven't found a widget that we could put on here and all edit books on.
what do you think? good tool, bad tool?

Hi all

Glad to be aboard.


Am I the only one feeling like the pace of this part of the program is extreme? There is so much information to take in and so much to do-I guess I should have known that the "accellerated" program would be accellerated!

Happy to be here

I just want to say that I am happy to be blogging with you ladies, and I look forward to a great couple of weeks conversing with you. :)